Sequence Pond Pumps ::


Koi Ponds Care Review:

Sequence 10000 External Pond Pump - 10,000ltrs per hour (2200gph) 95watts Sequence 11000 External Pond Pump -11000L/hour(2450GPH) 175W

The Sequence pumps are designed and built to meet the special needs of ponds, Please note: although the Sequence pumps are excellent quality and cheap to run the low running cost comes at the expense of a high pressure out put. This applies to all low wattage pond pumps. If you are operating a gravity fed filter system with only a low height to pump back into the pond these pumps are a good choice. If your system requires a high lift of water or has a high resistance due to long pipe runs and multiple bends you may be better with a higher pressure pump.

As in all cases when selecting a pond pump look at the flow rate at the height you will be pumping up to. The quoted "headline" flow rates for pond pumps are the maximum flow with no lift and no resistance. This is a very different situation to a filter installation situated 20 feet frrom the pond or lifting the water to the top of a 6 foot water fall for example. These pumps must be housed in a dry, well ventilated location. Protect from rain and water splashes.

Technical Information:

Ports are 2" FNPT suction and 1-1/2" FNPT discharge. Cord - 8 foot power cord with 240v grounded plug Housing is molded of high strength, glass filled polypropylene. Dry run resistant mechanical seals. The motors are TEFC, for excellent protection. One year limited warranty.

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